01211cam0a22002651 45000010008000000050017000080350013000251000041000381010008000792000118000872100075002052150021002802600009003013000162003106010063004726060078005356860013006137120031006267120054006578010032007118520072007438560033008159600049008489700048008971-1838620221222175820.0 l10019938 a20130129d1946 y0grey010503 ba0 aeng1 aExhibition of Greek art 3000 b.c. - a.d. 1945fsponsored by the National Association of Hellenes in Great Britain aPiccadilly, LondoncThe Royal Academy of Arts - Burlington Housed1946 a50 σ.d22 εκ. c1946 aThe exhibition is set up for a momorial to men of Greece, Britain and the Dominions who fought and died for the cause of Liberty in Greece and the greek seas02aRoyal Academy of Arts (London, Great Britain)xExhibitions0 aΕκθέσειςyΜεγάλη ΒρετανίαxΚατάλογοιz1946 a707.4 GR aRoyal Academy of Arts465002aNational Association of Hellenes in Great Britain 0aGRbNATIONAL GALLERYgAACR2 aINSTbARCHIVEe20130129h707.4 GR 1946pN10002322qN10002322t1uBK1 u/webopac/covers/535_1946.pdf a2013-01bΑΡΧΕΙΟ ΠΡΟΣΚΛΗΣΕΩΝ aΓΕΝΟΥΖΟΥbΧΡΥΣΑΝΘΗz2013-01