01547nam0a22003131 45000010008000000050017000080350013000251000041000381010008000792000211000872100031002982150076003292600009004053000080004143000120004945120041006145170185006556010033008406060029008736060053009026860006009557100038009617120025009998010032010248520083010569090012011399600034011519700048011851-2091720220928143110.0 l10022477 a20140704d1968 y0grey010503 ba0 aeng1 aCatalogue of important modern british paintings and sculpture, english 18th and 19th century and old master drawings, prints and paintings, silver, furniture, books and works of artb[Auction]fSotheby & Co aLondoncSotheby & Cod1968 a49 σ.cεικ. ασπρ.d24 εκ.e1 τιμοκατάλογος 1 σ. c1968 aIncluding the starting post at newmarket, 1716, by John Wootton....[et.al]. aTo be sold on behalf of the York Minster Fund at Castle Howard, York on Saturday 6th April 1968 at 9 p.m. precisely1 aSale in aid of the York Minster Fund1 aImportant modern british paintings and sculpture, english 18th and 19th century and old master drawings, prints and paintings, siliver, furniture, books and works of art: [Auction]02aSotheby`sxAuctionsz1968-040 aAuctionsxCatalogsz19680 aΔημοπρασίεςxΚατάλογοιz1968 aS02aSotheby's (London, Great Britain) aSotheby and Co.4650 0aGRbNATIONAL GALLERYgAACR2 aINSTbISOGEIOcAUCTIONe20140704hS 1968-04p036000023044q036000023044t1uBK b0104393 a2014-07bΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΑ aΓΕΝΟΥΖΟΥbΧΡΥΣΑΝΘΗz2014-07