Alonso Berruguete : first sculptor of Renaissance Spain / C.D. Dickerson III and Mark McDonald, with Manuel Arias Martínez [and five others]

"Alonso Berruguete (c. 1488-1561) revolutionized the arts of Renaissance Spain with a dramatic style of sculpture that reflected the decade or more he had spent in Italy while young. Trained as a painter, he traveled to Italy around 1506, where he interacted with Michelangelo and other leading... Πλήρης περιγραφή

Συγγραφείς: Dickerson C III, McDonald Mark P, Arias Martínez Manuel
Κατηγορία Υλικού: Βιβλίο
Γλώσσα: English
Έκδοση: Washington : National Gallery of Art (Washington, US), 2019
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